Friday, June 4, 2010

Digitalis' First Paragraph Project

Much is made about that all important first paragraph, and sometimes first sentence, as the hook. I have heard this harped on time and again. The reasoning seems to be that you must catch the reader's attention immediately to get them engaged in the story. The longer you take to catch the reader, the less likely they will stick it out. Some say it is the first 5 pages that are critical. I suppose it is both.

I've always believed that you must let the reader know what this story is about immediately. Why should be be engaged. Flashy openings are not enough. You have to give the reader something of substance. Something that makes them interested. It should be the link that will eventually connect the whole of the story (though how it all links together is unknown).

Digitalis, an editor of a magazine, was kind enough to offer to review the first paragraph to a novel and to give his opinion. I thought it might be an interesting experiment and send him the first paragraph to one of my WIPs to look at. I thought what harm can come from getting a free commentary on how that all important first paragraph reads. It would be fun, maybe. What harm could there be? You can find digitalis' commentary on that paragraph here:

Thanks Digitalis for your comments.

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